Friday, November 1, 2019

Gems from November 1- 10, 2019

November 1

Then are they glad because they be quiet; 
so He bringeth them unto their desired heaven. 
Psalm 107:30
In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.  
Isaiah 30:15


I needed the quiet so He drew me aside,
Into the shadows where we could confide.
Away from the bustle where all the day long 
I hurried and worried when active and strong.

I needed the quiet though at first I rebelled,
But gently, so gently, my cross He upheld,
And whispered so sweetly of spiritual things.
Though weakened in body, my spirit took wings
To heights never dreamed of when busy all day.
He loved me so greatly He drew me away.

I needed the quiet.  No prison my bed, 
But a beautiful valley of blessings instead—
A place to grow richer in Jesus to hid.
I needed the quiet so He drew me aside.
(Alice Hansche Mortenson)

N.J. Hiebert - 7623  

November 2

God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love,
and of a sound mind.  2 Timothy 1:7.

But it is impossible to close our eyes to the startling fact that the claims of Christ, the value of truth, the authority of holy Scripture, are being more and more set aside each day, each week, each year.
We believe we are approaching a moment in the which there will be toleration  
for any thing and every thing save the truth of God.

It is necessary for us, therefore, to look well to it that God’s Word has its own proper place in the heart, and that the conscience is governed in all things by its holy authority.

A tender conscience is a most precious treasure to carry about with us from day to day—a conscience that ever yields a true response to the action of the Word of God—that bows down without a question to its plain statements.

When the conscience is in this fine condition, there is always a regulating power wherewith to act
upon one’s practical course and character.
C. H. Macintosh

N.J. Hiebert - 7624

November 3

O send out Thy light and Thy truth: let them lead me;
let them bring me unto Thy holy hill.
Psalm 43:3 


I am a creature of a day.  I want to know one thing—the way to heaven; 
how to land safely on that happy shore.

God Himself has condescended to teach the way; for this very end He came down from heaven. 
He hath written it down in a book.  O give me this Book!  
At any price, give me the Book of God!

I have it; here is knowledge enough for me.  Let me be a man of one Book.
Here, then, I am, far from the busy ways of men.

I sit down alone; only God is here.  
In His presence I open, I read His Book; for this end—to find the way to heaven.
John Wesley 1703-1791
There is a chart whose tracings show
The onward course when tempests blow—
’Tis God’s own Word! There, there is found
Directions for the homeward bound.    .
N.J. Hiebert - 7625

November 4

[Love] thinketh no evil.  1 Corinthians 13:5.

. . . Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.  Psalm 15:3.

If all of us, by the grace of God, lived in the spirit of these two verses it would set free an 
immense amount of time  and strength for the Things of the Father, 
that Business for which alone we Christians are in the world.

Think of the time that would be set free for prayer for those who do not know 
Him, if we had not to spend so much on those who do.  Think of the 
strength we have to expend in sorting out wrong relationships,
which could be given instead to the War of the Lord.

It should be simply impossible for us to think unkindly of anyone.
Satan will always see to it that there are people ready
to sow seeds of suspicion.

Let us refuse to receive them.  Let us not endure them for a moment.  Let us not imagine
evil in our heart, but always put the best and most loving construction on everything.
Unkindness in our thought life is one of the things that God hates.  
Beloved, let us love.  1 John 4:7.  
Amy Carmichael

N.J. Hiebert - 7626

November 5


Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
Matthew 24:35

Could the whole world have heard, the whole world would have laughed in ridicule and scorn
at the impossibility of such a thing.  But these words were true.

Unlike the words of mortal men that turn to ashes like themselves,
the words of Christ are enduring and eternal.

His words did not have to be preserved by the art of publication, 
so that being shelved among the monuments of the past, they would continue.

His words are living words; they grow like the seed in the hearts of His people,
and shall bloom and bear fruit through time and eternity.

They have not passed away, nor shall they.
A Plant of Renown - Leonard Sheldrake  

N.J. Hiebert - 7627  

November 6


He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.  Psalm 40:3

O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.  Psalm 96:1

It is not only for the sake of the unsaved that we want them so much to come to the Saviour. Our earnestness has a stronger spring than even that.  We love our Lord, so that we cannot bear Him not to be esteemed aright.

We cannot bear Him to be thought little of, and to be misunderstood; it is pain, real pain, to us when He is not appreciated and loved and adored—when all that He has done is treated as not worth whole-hearted gratitude and love—when His great and blood-bought salvation is neglected. 

For His own beloved sake, for His own glory’s sake, we want others to come, that they too may love, and bless, and glorify Him!

Do ye doubt our feeble witness?  Though ye scorn us, come and see!
Come and hear Him for yourselves, and ye shall know that it is He!
Ye shall find in Him the Center, the very Truth and Life,     
Resplendent resolution of the endless doubt and strife.
Opened Treasures - Frances Ridley Havergal

N.J. Hiebert - 7628 

November 7


And I will say to my soul, Soul, Thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.  Luke 12:19.

The world has never been without such characters as the Saviour describes here.  Such men into whose lap the Creator has poured blessings in abundance only use His favours to the utter exclusion of Himself.

The rich man of our parable was hampered because his farm had brought forth plentifully and his barns were full to overflowing, so that greater storehouses must be erected.  The possibility of any hitch arising in connection with his projects never occurred to his self-confident mind.

No thought of God and no thought of eternity found room in his foolish thoughts.  To him this world was everything, and he confidently expected to hold and enjoy it indefinitely.  He ought to have remembered that there is a life beyond this world, and there is a God to meet, to whom all must give account.

The divine word to him and to all of his kind is this: “Fool!”  This is God’s epithet, not man’s.  Surely it is not too strong a term to apply to one who ignores his possession of a never-dying soul.   He who thinks of nothing but  his few years in this world, in utter forgetfulness of the ages upon ages which lie beyond, is a fool indeed. 
But God said unto him, thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?   Luke 12:20.    
W.W. Fereday

N.J.Hiebert - 7629

November 8

I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.
John 10:11

-  No shepherd is a true one, unless he cares for the sheep
because they are Christ’s.

- If love be not the motive spring, I am nothing, and
it profits me nothing.

- The effect of power used apart from God is to lead
souls astray.

- Love, as seen in 1 Corinthians 13 is the exact contradiction 
of what Satan and the world are.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity (LOVE), these three: 
but the greatest of these is charity (LOVE).
1 Corinthians 13:13 
Rochfort Hunt

N.J. Hiebert - 7630

November 9


To know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, 
that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.  Ephesians 3:19

O Lord!  Thy rich, Thy boundless love  
No thought can reach, no tongue declare;
O give our hearts its depth to prove, 
And reign without a rival there.
From Thee, O Lord, we all receive, 
Thine, wholly Thine, alone we’d live.

Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.  

Fellowship with the Father is to be filled with His thoughts, His desires, His objects and His affections.
So also with fellowship with the Son. . . . It is our privilege to be taken out of ourselves 
altogether, to be lost in the affections and aims of the Father and the Son! . . . 

It is written, “All things are possible to him that beliveth”; we read the words, do not doubt them, 
and yet we seldom think of the possibility of their being verified in our own experience. 
Footprints for Pilgrims - Edward Dennett

N.J. Hiebert - 7631

November 10

Wrapped . . . in swaddling clothes, and laid . . . in a manger.
Luke 2:7

Wrapped . . . in linen, and laid . . . in a sepulchre.
Luke 23:53

The Perfect Man came into the world as a baby,
and was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger-cradle.

He went out by way of a garden-tomb, wrapped in linen.

On these two occasions He became voluntarily dependent upon those who loved Him: 
at the manger, wrapped and laid by a Mary while a Joseph watched; at the tomb, 
wrapped and laid by a Joseph; while a Mary watched.  

O, how He appreciates the ministry and devotion of the Josephs and the Marys.
Jim Flanigan.   

Spices most sweet they chose, aloes they brought, and myrrh;
Wound Him with these in linen clothes, gave Him a sepulchre.

N.J. Hiebert - 7632 

November 11

. . . Stormy wind fulfilling His Word.  Psalm 148:8

I once lived in an old house in the country where the wind would 
sometimes whistle around.

Thinking I would have some music if it must blow like that,
I made a rude Aeolian harp of sewing silk strung across a board.
I placed it under the slightly lifted sash of a north window and the 
music could be heard through all the house when the wild storms came!

Is there any north window in your life?
Could you not so arrange the three wires of faith, hope and love
that the storms of life should only bring more music into this sad world?

Many are doing it and perhaps more music than we dream of comes this way.

God has many an Aeolian harp.  Will you be one?

N.J. Hiebert - 7633

November 12

Underneath are the everlasting arms — Deuteronomy 33:27

On April 30, 1868, Dr. W. H. Doane came into my house and said, "I have exactly forty minutes 
before my train leaves for Cincinnati.  Here is a melody.  Can you write words for it?"
I replied that I would see what I could do.

Then followed a space of twenty minutes during which I was wholly unconscious of all else 
except the work I was doing.  At the end of that time I recited the words to “Safe in
the Arms of Jesus."  Dr. Doane copied them, and had time to to catch his train.


Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o’er shadowed, sweetly my soul shall rest.
Hark! ’tis the voice of angels borne in a song to me,
Over the fields of glory, over the jasper sea.

Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe from corroding care,
Safe from the world’s temptations, sin cannot harm me there.
Free from the blight of sorrow, free from my doubts and fears;
Only a few more trials, only a few more tears.

Jesus my heart’s dear refuge, Jesus has died for me;
Firm on the Rock of Ages ever my trust shall be.
Here let wait with patience, wait till the night is o’er —
Wait till I see the morning break on the golden shore.

CHORUS: Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o’er shadowed, sweetly my soul shall rest.     

N.J. Hiebert - 7634

November 13

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