Thursday, June 8, 2023

Gems from June 11- 21, 2023

June 11

And He took them, and went aside privately into a desert place.  (Luke 9:10) 

In order to grow in grace, we must be much alone.  It is not in society that the soul grows most vigorously.  In one single quiet hour of prayer it will often make more progress than in days of company with others.  It is in the desert that the dew falls freshest and the air is purest. 
 Andrew Bonar.

"Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile,
Weary, I know it, of the press and throng,
Wipe from your brow the sweat and dust of toil,
And in My quiet strength again be strong.   

"Come ye aside from all the world holds dear,
For converse which the world has never known,
Alone with Me, and with My Father here,
With Me and with My Father not alone. 

"Come, tell Me all that ye have said and done,
Your victories and failures, hopes and fears.
I know how hardly souls are wooed and won:
My choicest wreaths are always wet with tears.

"Come ye and rest; the journey is too great,
And ye will faint beside the way and sink;
The bread of life is here for you to eat,
And here for you the wine of love to drink.

"Then fresh from converse with your Lord return,
And work till daylight softens into even:
The brief hours are not lost in which ye learn
More of your Master and His rest in Heaven.  - 
Streams in the Desert 

N.J.Hiebert - 9240

June 12

Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, Who raised Him from the dead;)...

from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father...

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than (beside) that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed..." (Galatians 1:1-8) 

If I have the happy privilege, and the solemn responsibility of announcing God's good news, how earnestly I should seek to see to it, that what I announce is in very truth God's good news, and not my own thoughts or ideas; else it may be that solemn word may come to me: "Cursed be he!"  If anyone tells me I must keep the law for salvation, or as a "rule of life", that is not "good news." It is very, very, bad news, for I never can keep the law, and I must perish.  The false teachers were perverting the good news. 

Sad to say, there are many today who preach the law, without the least idea that they are putting themselves under this terrible curse, because they preach a different good news which is not another.  It is Christianity with something added.  But you say, surely if an angel from heaven brings me this good news, then I can believe it!  No, not even if an angel bring it!  Remember that Satan himself is changed into an angel of light (Galatians 1:8,9)

Will you believe Satan or God?  Notice that little word "beside"  "good news beside the good news which we brought to you".  God does not allow any rival good news.  And God will not allow any mixture with His good news; nor will He allow anything to be added beside the good news that He  has given to us. You cannot have the gospel of God and the law added to, or mixed with, it. God's good news stands alone.   
Galatians - G. C. Willis

N.J.Hiebert - 9241

June 13


"According to your faith be it unto you . . ."  Matthew 9:29

"According to your faith be 
it . . ."   Be what?  How much does "it" include?  Here is one of the smallest and one of the biggest words--small in the dictionary but large in our text!   For "it" includes all our need which God will supply according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  And the measure of that supply is "according to your faith." 

You may have all you need and all that faith will take.  Whether that need be trivial or tremendous makes no difference to God--everything is His, anyway.  You need not mind bringing to him the simplest matter. 

The sparrow's fall does not escape His notice.  Nor will you strain the heavenly resources with a stupendous request.  The ocean will hold up a boat or a battleship, and God's grace will stand any weight  you put upon it. 

So, whatever 
"it" may be that you are facing, no matter how hard or hopeless "it" may seem, do not let "it" dominate your faith, make "it" submit to your faith.  "According to your faith be it" is God's yardstick, not according to it be you faith."   

Are you living by the tyranny of 
"it" or by the triumph of Faith?
Day by Day with Vance Havner 

N.J.Hiebert - 9242

June 14

And they were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, saying, we have seen strange things to day.  Luke 5:26 

The Lord Jesus is the summing up of all possible beauty and perfection in Himself.  The Man Christ Jesus grew in favour with God and man.  He was always the servant of everyone.  The first thing that struck me in reading the gospels was, Here is a Man that never did anything for Himself.  What a miracle to see a Man not living to Himself, for He had got God for Himself. 

The gospels display the One in whom was no selfishness.  They tell out the heart that was ready for everybody.  No matter how deep His own sorrow, He always cared for others.  He could  warn Peter in Gethsemane, and comfort the dying thief on the cross.  His heart was above circumstances, never acting under them, but ever according  to God in them

The only act of disobedience which Adam could commit he did commit; but He who could have done all things as to power, only used His power to display more perfect service, more perfect subjection.  How blessed is the picture of the Lord's ways! 

The more faithful He was, the more despised and opposed; the more meek, the less esteemed; but all this altered nothing, because He did all to God alone:  with the multitude, with His disciples, or before His unjust judges, nothing altered the perfectness of His ways, because in all circumstances all was done to God. 

What was then the life of Jesus, the Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief?  A life of activity in obscurity, causing the love of God to penetrate the most hidden corners of society, wherever needs were greatest.  This life did not shelter itself from the misery of the world, but it brought into it--precious grace--the love of God.  
J. N. Darby 

N.J.Hiebert - 9243

June 15

And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.  Leviticus 8:23 

This chapter deals with the consecration of Aaron as High P
riest and his sons as priests.  The week long ceremonial process meant to set these faithful men apart for the service of God.  Included was the donning of the special robes, every aspect of which spoke of the glories, attributes and beauties of Christ.  Two animals were offered each day, one for God as a burnt sacrifice, speaking of Christ's devotion unto death; and the other for the consecration of the priests, speaking of our devotion to Him. 

Each drop of blood on three particular parts of their body, ear, finger and toe, had its own special significance.  First, we hear the Word of God through our ears; the blood having reference to Christ as God's gift for salvation.  The repetition seven days reminds us that our preparation to serve the Lord by remembering Him on the eighth day needs to be part of each preceding day of the week. 

The application to their hand tells of all the ways they could be of service; and the same for us.  After we have been in the Lord's presence, we are energized to please Him in serving according to our abilities, spiritual enjoyment of Christ and despite limitations. 

Finally, the blood applied to their foot is all about walking in the footsteps of our Saviour.  They and we are responsible to live our lives as a testimony to Jesus Christ our Lord, both to those near at hand in assembly and family, as well as the unsaved in our neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces.  
Lorne Perry

There from His head, His hands ,His feet,
Sorrow and love flowed mingled down;
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
  Isaac Watts

N.J.Hiebert - 9244

June 16

Only by pride cometh contention.  Proverbs 13:10 

There never was a bit of trouble between saints, but pride was at the bottom of it!  You stand up for your rights, and the Lord will put you down.  You may get what you want, but the Lord   will have His hand against you. 

A Christian should be like a piece of indiarubber, always giving way, never resisting, except it be the devil.   "The light of the righteous rejoiceth; but the lamp of the  wicked shall be put out." (Proverbs 13:9).  "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)   

What a much more blessed thing to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, and for Him to exalt us, than than to exalt ourselves, and for Him to have to put us down!  "Whosoever exalteth Himself shall be abased." (Luke 14:11)  That is the first man.  "He that humbleth himself shall be exalted." (v.11)  That is the second man.

The first man (Adam) sought to make himself God, and fell into companionship with Satan; the second Man, who was God, made Himself nothing, and God has exalted Him to the very highest glory. 

There are two ways in which God humbles us. By the discovery of what is in our hearts, and by the discovery of what is in His heart--and nothing so humbles us as to discover what is in His heart--but humble myself as I may, I do not believe I ever get down to my true level--to the place in which God sees me. 

It should be a continual process. There is a difference between being humble, and being humbled. I am humble when I am in God's presence, occupied with what He is.  I am humbled when I am compelled to look at myself, for self is always a sad sight.  
Simon Peter - W.T. P. Wolston

N.J.Hiebert - 9245

June 17

For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

It's becoming difficult to get everything done these days.  Time saving devices turn into time stealing vices.  Do you wonder if you'll ever get caught up?  The answer is, Yes! 

The dead have ceased from their labours, but we which are alive and remain will one day, finally be caught up, not with our chores, but with our Saviour to be with Him forevermore!  
Rex Trogdon

Oh joy, oh delight, should we go without dying!  
No sickness, no sadness, no dread and no crying!
Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory,
When Jesus receives His own.
H. L. Turner 

N.J.Hiebert - 9246

June 18


I have glorified Thee on the earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.  John 17:4 

His great promise has had its first fulfillment "unto Thee." It is a finished fact of sevenfold grace.  The Lord has come and His own voice has given the objects of His coming: 

- "to do Thy will, O God;"
- to fulfill the law;
- "to call sinners to repentance";
- "to seek and to save that which was lost";
- "that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly";
- "a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness."
- What He came to do He has done, for "He faileth not."
- On this we may and ought to rest quietly and un-doubtingly, for "the Lord hath done it."

For I know that what He doeth stands forever, fixed and true; 
Nothing can be added to it, nothing left for us to do;
Nothing can be taken from it, done for me and done for you,
Evermore and evermore.

Listen now!  the Lord hath done it! for He loved us unto death;
It is finished! He has saved us!  Only trust to what He saith. 
He hath done it!  Come and bless Him, spend in praise your ransomed breath 
Evermore and evermore.

Francis Ridley Havergal 

N.J.Hiebert - 9247

June 19

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; Yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.  Isaiah 41:10 

We learn, that while He is able to keep us from falling, we are to cooperate with Him in that keeping. It is those who are preserved in Jesus Christ, and who will ultimately be presented before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, that are asked to keep themselves in the love of God (Jude, 24 and 21). And then, fulfilling that injunction, we shall face the perils ahead of us with unflinching courage, and we shall be able to say to these hearts of ours: 

"Why those fears?  Behold 'tis Jesus holds the helm and guides the ship;
Spread the sails and catch the breezes sent to waft us through the deep,

To the regions where the mourners cease to weep.

"Though the shore we hope to land on, only by report is known,
Yet we freely all abandon, led by that report alone,

And, with Jesus, through the trackless deep move on.

"Led by faith, we brave the ocean; led by faith, the storm defy;
Calm amidst tumultuous motion, knowing that the Lord is nigh:
Waves obey Him, and the storms before Him fly.

"Rendered safe by His protection, we shall pass the watery waste,
Trusting to His wise direction we shall gain the port at last,
And, with wonder, think on toils and dangers past.
"Oh, what pleasures there await us; there the tempests cease to roar;
There it is that they who hate us, can molest our peace no more.
Trouble ceases on that tranquil, happy shore."
T. Kelly
The Best is Yet to Be
 - Henry Durbanville

 N.J.Hiebert - 9248

June 20

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.  Psalm 34:4 

Once we overheard a conversation that passed between two Christians we shall not easily forget.  One was aged, and had been prosperous, but in the decline of life misfortune overtook him through the dishonesty of another.  We can see him now as he stood in the doorway, his shining face set off by an abundance of white hair. 

As they parted his friend said to him quoting Psalm 34:6. "Well, remember, 'this poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.' "  "Ah," he said (and they were the last words we ever heard him utter), "He has done a greater thing for me than that: He has delivered me from all my fears" (v.4)  

Yes, it is surely a greater thing to be delivered from all our fears than saved out of all our troubles.  It is those fears that cast such a dark cloud over many a life.  And yet how often they are groundless fears! 

But if trouble actually does come, and the trial is upon us, then let us remember the words of the Psalm already quoted: "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." He cried just as if he had fallen into some pit, or was being washed out to sea.  And this is just how we must cry to God in our trouble. 

In this connection there are three verses we might do well to keep in mind. 

  - "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."
  - "I will trust and not be afraid." 
  - "Trust in Him at all times
  "Angels in White - Russell Elliott 

N.J.Hiebert - 9249

June 21

And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: There is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul will despair of me to seek me any more within all the limits of Israel, and I shall escape out of his hand"
(1 Samuel 27:1) 

Isn't it surprising to see David's weakness here after so many striking marks of divine protection?  Just yesterday he had said, full of confidence: "let my life be highly esteemed in the eyes of Jehovah, that He may deliver me out of all distress!" (ch. 26:24).  Today his courage is gone and he says: "I shall now one day perish by the hand of Saul."  We must often experience that a great victory is apt to be followed by a great despondency. 

When God was with us, did we not happen to attribute something to ourselves?  When David said to Saul: "Jehovah will render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness" (ch 26:23), God alone knows whether or not there was some self-satisfaction in these words. Therefore God leaves us to ourselves (I am not saying, of course, that He forsakes us) in order to show us that we cannot have any confidence in the flesh. 

Thus we learn to probe "the division of soul and spirit" which is so subtle that in the fight of faith we are often unaware of the mixture of the two, and that gold which has been refined, or which appears to have been refined, still needs the crucible to be purified from every alloy.  This clearly explains the weakness of believers at the very time when their faith has been shining so splendidly. 

1 Samuel -  Dr. Henri L. Rossier

N.J.Hiebert - 9250

June 22

There they made Him a supper.  John 12:2 

While the king sitteth at His table, my spikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof.  Song of Solomon 1:12

It was not often in this sad world that anyone made a supper for the Lord.  There at last they spread a feast for Him  who spread a feast for all the world.  There the king sat at His table, and there the spikenard of the bride sent forth its fragrance.  It had been blessed to sit at His feet as a learner and hear His word, but Mary's spikenard sent forth no fragrance there. It was blessed to fall at His feet in the day of sorrow and receive the comfort of His tears, but it drew no fragrant spikenard from Mary's broken heart. 

But when the king sat at His table in the midst of His own, no longer sustaining them in the pathway, comforting them in their sorrows, dealing with their weakness or correcting their mistakes, but now resting in His love in holy communion  and intimacy with His own, then indeed the suited moment had come to bring forth the alabaster box and pour out the precious spikenard upon the King, and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment (John 12:3)

It is the presence of the King at His table that calls forth the worship of His own.  Only a heart set free from its sorrows, and its exercises, and busy service, can worship in the presence of the King.  To learn at His feet is good, but learning is not worship.  To be comforted by His tears of sympathy is sweet, But comfort is not is not worship

But when we spread a feast for Christ--when the King sits at His table--it is no time for instruction or comfort.  There we leave our sorrows, our ignorance, our daily cares behind, and at His supper,  He alone engrosses the mind and holds the affections; and when the heart is filled with Christ, we worship--our spikenard "sends forth its fragrance."  
Hamilton Smith 

N.J. Hiebert - 9251

June 23

Be ye thankful.  Colossians 3:15

A well known, successful and popular professor of literature at a prestigious East Coast University spent some time reflecting on people who had helped him during his childhood and early, formative years--those who had nurtured, inspired, or cared enough about him to have made a real impact and lasting positive impression on him. 

One specially came to mind.  She was an English teacher he had during high school.  He had not thought of nor heard of her in many years.  He  specially remembered how she had spent much time with him, quietly working and going out of her way to instill a love of literature and poetry in him.  The result had been that he developed a lifelong love of literature which further developed into a successful career.  He decided that though long out of contact, he would write a letter of thanks to her for what she had done. 

It was not long before he received back a reply from his former teacher.  It was a handwritten note penned in the rather shaky, hard to read scrawl of a very elderly person.  The letter began "My dear Johnny". The middle aged professor was delighted to read that name for he did not think there was a person left in the world who still remembered his 'pet' name, "Johnny". 

"My dear Johnny, I cannot tell you how much your note meant to me.  I am in my eighties, living alone in a small room, still cooking my own meals, lonely and, like the last leaf of autumn, still lingering behind.  You will be interested to know that I taught school for over 50 years and yet, yours is the first note of appreciation I have ever received.  It came to me on a rather gray, cold, depressing morning and cheered me as little else has done these past few years." 

What grief must the heart of the beloved Apostle Paul felt when he penned these words to Timothy shortly before his martyrdom: "This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me" (2 Timothy 1:15).  Earlier Paul had written to the Corinthians that he would gladly spend and be spent for them.  How the beloved apostle loved his dear Corinthian children! (and how little he was loved)  How have we responded to those who, over the years, have been used in blessing in our lives
Doug Nicolet - The Christian Shepherd - April 2008   

N.J.Hiebert -  9252

June 24

Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.  Luke 13:24 


There could have been no way of escape for sinners from the wrath to come, had not Jesus died upon the cross.  "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."(John 12:24).  It is the cross of Christ that speaks to us of sin put away, redemption accomplished, and of the sinner's only way to God.  Christ crucified, then, is the "strait gate." 

Jesus lifted up on the cross is the door of access.  "I am the door," said He: "by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved." The cross of Christ, therefore, becomes the point of separation between the saved and lost. 

Not to enter into God's presence through this gate is still to tarry in the place of death and judgment; but to enter into the Father's presence through the atoning work of His dear Son is present peace and eternal salvation.

The gospel thus presents to us a door of escape, and it is still wide open; it welcomes all guilty sinners that "enter in" by faith, thus sheltering them for ever from the wrath of God, and shutting them into the peace-speaking presence of the Father of mercies, and God of all comfort.  
Streams of Refreshing - H. H. Snell 

N.J.Hiebert - 9253

June 25

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Gems from March 11- 13, 2025

[We] worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:3   By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God ...