Sunday, February 18, 2024

Gems from February 21- 29, 2024

Fear not for I am with thee, and will bless thee. Genesis 26:24

Fear ye not: I will nourish you and your little ones. Genesis 50:21

Good is the word of the Lord Isaiah, 39:8

The Saviour can lift every burden,

The heavy as well as the light;

His strength is made perfect in weakness,

In Him there is power and might.

The Saviour can solve every problem,

The tangles of life can undo;

There is nothing too hard for Jesus,

There is nothing that He cannot do.

The Saviour can bear every sorrow,

In Him there is comfort and rest;

No matter how great the affliction,

He only permits what is best.

The Saviour can strengthen the weary,

His grace is sufficient for all;

He knows every step of the pathway

And listens to hear when we call.

The Saviour can break sin's dominion,

The vict'ry He won long ago;

In Him there is freedom from bondage,

He's able to conquer the foe.

The Saviour can satisfy fully

The heart that the world cannot fill:

His Spirit will sanctify wholly

The soul that is yielded and still.

Oswald J. Smith

N.J.Hiebert — 9494

February 21

For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshiped the Lord there.  1 Samuel 1:27,28

FATHER, hear us, we are praying,

Hear the words our hearts are saying,

We are praying for our children.

Keep them from the powers of evil,

From the secret, hidden peril,

From the whirlpool that would suck them,

From the treacherous quicksand, pluck them.

From the worldling's hollow gladness

From the sting of faithless sadness

Holy Father, save our children.

Through life's troubled waters steer them,

Through life's bitter battle cheer them,

Father, Father, be Thou near them.

Read the language of our longing,

Read the wordless pleadings thronging,

Holy Father, for our children.

    And wherever they may bide,

    Lead them Home at eventide. Amy Carmichael

N.J.Hiebert — 9495

February 22

“The Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20

There were two young men who had been friends at college. As life went on they

trod different roads: the one was steady and honourable; step by step he rose in his profession until he became a judge. The other trod the downward path; unsteady, unprincipled, dishonest, he went from bad to worse.

Years passed, and one day the Judge found himself facing his former friend in the prisoner's dock. Many in the Court knew of the old friendship, and they felt sure the prisoner would be lightly dealt with.

But, after hearing the case, the Judge condemned the man to pay a heavy fine, the highest amount it was possible to sentence him to pay.  A murmur of disapproval ran round the Court as they thought, Is this his kindness to his friend!  He cannot pay; he will have to go to prison.  

But, before the man was removed, the Judge ordered a moment's pause.  Laying aside his robes of office, he left his seat and came and stood beside the prisoner in the dock; then, taking out his cheque-book, he wrote a cheque for the whole amount of the fine, and gave it to the prisoner.

Do you see — as a righteous Judge he condemned the criminal, but as his friend

he paid the penalty himself, and set him free.  Even so, through the death of Jesus, God can now be “a Just God and a Saviour.” (Isaiah 45:21)  Christ died that we might be forgiven.

"Because the sinless Saviour died

My sinful soul is counted free!

For God the Just is satisfied

To look on Him, and pardon me."

"He loved me, and gave Himself for me."  This is the good news.  Do you believe it? Do you take it in? Listen to these lines:

"I read that He was wounded, and bruised upon the Tree;

Yet felt no thrilling wonder!  that He had died for me.

But since, oh since I knew it, and saw Him bear my load,

I cannot cease from praising  my great Redeemer, God."  J.M.K.

N.J.Hiebert — 9496

February 23

At about noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. Acts 10:9.

We are all on a journey, beginning somewhere and ending somewhere else. The Apostle Peter's habit was to pray as he went along; and that's good counsel for us. The Bible, in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, urges us to Pray without ceasing. It's not that we should do nothing else with our lives but pray; however it suggests that our lives should be characterized by regular prayer. What were Peter's next steps to be?

He knew he wouldn't know where to go or how to act without guidance from the Lord, and that's what he earnestly sought in prayer.

And they departed from the mount of the Lord three days' journey: and the ark of the covenant of the Lord went before search out a resting place for them. Numbers 10:33.  Soon after the Children of Israel began their long journey from Egypt to the promised land, God gave Moses detailed instructions for the construction the Tabernacle, of which the central item was the ark. That was where

God came to be in the midst of His people, wherever the ark rested. This points clearly to the need for us to have our Ark, the Lord Jesus, accompany us every step of our journey through life. Our rest comes from our confidence in the Lord.

(The Lord Jesus) commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip (baggage), no bread, no money in their purse. Mark 6:8. This is a picture of complete trust.

The disciples sent out as missionaries were to rely on the Lord for all needs along the way. He would assure that kind people offered them all they needed. However, their staff was essential for stability along the primitive, often rocky, paths of the day, but otherwise they could leave shelter and provisions up to the Lord. Perhaps we don't often exhibit such simple trust in the Lord, but His resources are open-

ended and generous.

Three more Journeys tomorrow, if the Lord will. Every journey needs some time to pause and reflect, but at the same time, continuing to honour and serve the Lord.  (Part 1)  

Lorne Perry

N.J.Hiebert — 9497

February 24

Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with His journey, sat thus on the well. John 4:6.

The Lord Jesus was both a Man and God at the same time. He was as weary as we all become after a long hike; but as God, He knew that a kind lady would come to draw water and ease His thirst. It turned out she was ready to have her life turned around by One who had all the answers.

Water in scripture often reminds us of the life-giving Word of God. In this story, she heard Words of Life directly from the lips of the One who asked her for a drink.  We need to often pause in our journey and read thoughtfully from the scriptures. Thus we are refreshed and, with renewed vigour, can continue our journey of service to the Lord.

Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; which have borne witness of thy charity (love) before the church; whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well. 3 John verses 5 and 6. This was a generous commendation of the man addressed, Gaius. He was ready to share with those around just what he had enjoyed of the Word of God for their comfort and edification. May we, who have accumulated and enjoy so much of the truth of God, be ready to pass it on to both saved and unsaved.

The younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. Luke 15:13. Not all journeys are in the right direction. This young man wanted his inheritance NOW, and then squandered it. Impatience led him away from home to seek what the world had to offer.

The happy ending is that, in desperation, he humbly returned to find forgiveness and warmth. So it is with us. Too often we stray but when we wake up and retrace our steps, we find a loving Saviour ready to forgive and bless. Psalm 51:3,10 For I acknowledge my transgressions - Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.  Lorne Perrry

N.J.Hiebert — 9498

February 25

"I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase."

(1 Corinthians 3:6)

Remember in speaking to any one you wish to help, that the more earnest and unconscious of self you are, the better you will help them.  Probably the words you think most telling will affect them least, while those you think nothing of, God will use for their good. Leave all results with God.

You are not always digging up the seeds in your garden to see how they are growing. Trust all to God, and He will bless your work.

Remember, God always works, very slowly and very surely; the bud is formed slowly, opens slowly.  We must work as God works, not with great strides self-love would like to work with.

(H. Monsell)

N.J.Hiebert — 9499

February 26

"For so was it charged (commanded) me by the word of the Lord."

(1 Kings 13:9)

An experiment with teenagers showed how they handle peer pressure.Groups of 10 adolescents were brought into a room and instructed to raise their hands when the teacher pointed to the longest line on three charts. Nine of the people had been told ahead of time to vole for the second-longest line. But one person in the group had not been told.

The experiment began with nine teenagers voting for the wrong line. The tenth person would typically glance around, frown in confusion, and slip his hand up with the group because he lacked the courage to challenge them.

In 1 kings 13, an unidentified man of God performed miraculous signs at the altar in Bethel VV.1-6). But then, after this great victory, he took the word of another prophet to be the truth even though he knew it was contrary to what God had told him (VV.15-19).  Because of his disobedience, he was killed by a lion (VV.20-24).

The story teaches us that God's Word is superior to anyone else's word and therefore should be obeyed. When we're tempted to buckle under pressure, it's then that we must stand firm. God's Word - the truth - can always be relied on.

(Anne Cetas)

O help, us Lord, to heed Thy Word,

Its precepts to obey;

And may we fight the tendency

To walk in our own way. - Sper

God's Word is the compass that keeps us on course.

N.J.Hiebert — 9500

February 27

"That we may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke,

in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye

shine as lights in the world." (Philippians 2:15)

Even in earthly things men look for guidance to the stars. A man lost on the prairie may find his way home by the stars. In navigation, sailors look to the stars, especially to the North Star.

In an important survey, we always run our base-lines by the stars, particularly the North Star: and so keep them from becoming crooked and distorted. Thus these 'luminaries”, these ‘heavenly lights' in this dark world, need to remember that those who walk in darkness have their eyes upon them: but just as other stars point to the North Star, let us ever have our eye fixed on 'The Bright and Morning Star, and then our path will not be crooked, and we shall not lead astray those watching us.

It was a star which led the wise men to the Saviour at Bethlehem when He was a Babe. How good if we too can be like that!

(G.Christopher WillisSacrifices of Joy)

N.J.Hiebert — 9501

February 28

"The fiery darts of the wicked." (Ephesians 6:16)

Be not surprised if doubts and fears assail you. They are to be expected like evil

thoughts or disease germs. You cannot avoid being attacked and, if you are sore

beset, remember that the Bible, the Word of God'‘ has told you they will come.  

It is not wrong to be the target of their onslaughts, but you need not be overcome by them. It means that you are in real conflict and dangerous enough to the devil to bring in his hostility.

If you wonder why they seem to increase as you go on and grow older, it is because the fight gets hotter as you grow in grace and it never lets up. But greater is He that is in you than all your adversaries.

You are pressed by many a foe so that you may be all the more helpful to others who are not shadow boxing but are in the thick of the fight."

(Vance Havner - All the Days)

N.J.Hiebert — 9502

February 29

"One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty

of the LORD, and to enquire in His temple." (Psalm 27:4)

As we come together to worship, what is the focus of our attention? Do we meditate upon the beautiful character and person of our Saviour? He never sinned and never had to ask forgiveness for His words or actions.

His words were full of grace and truth. His life was a life fragrant with love for all. His loving hands healed the sick. His loving lips spoke words of forgiveness to the broken sinner. His agonizing death for sinners proclaimed the amazing love of God.

He is a beautiful Saviour! Behold the beauty of the Lord! (Donald Norbie)

N.J.Hiebert — 9503

March 1

…Esau came from the field, and he was faint: and Esau said to Jacob, feed me, I pray thee… for l am faint... and Jacob said, sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me... Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink... Esau despised his birthright." (Genesis 25:29-34)

Note the conduct of Esau in reference to the birthright, and all which it involved. The natural heart places no value on the things of God.

To it, God's promise is a vague, valueless, powerless thing, simply because God is not known.  Hence it is that present things carry such weight and influence in man's estimation.  Anything that man can see. he values, because he is governed by sight and not by faith.

To him, the present is everything; the future is a mere un-influential thing - a matter of the merest uncertainty.  Thus it was with Esau. "I am at the point to die; and what profit shall this birthright do to me?" What strange reasoning! - the present is slipping from beneath my feet, I will therefore despise and entirely let go the future! - Time is fading from my view, I will therefore abandon all interest in eternity! "Thus Esau despised his birthright."

Man has no heart for the things of God. The present is everything to him. Food is better than a title to Canaan. Hence, the very reason why Esau made light of the birthright was the very reason why he ought to have grasped it with the greater intensity.  The more clearly I see the vanity of man's present, the more I shall cleave to God's future.

(C.H. Macintosh - Notes onGenesis)

N.J.Hiebert — 9504

March 2


When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.  Romans 5:6

Lord, Thou wilt ordain peace for us; for Thou also hast wrought all our works in us.  Isaiah 26:12

What a long time it takes to come down to the conviction, and still more to the realization of the fact that without Him we can do nothing, (John 15:5) but that He must work all our works in us!  This is the work of God, that ye believe in Him whom He hath sent.  And no less must it be the work of God that we go on believing, and that we go on trusting.

Then, you who are longing to trust Him with unbroken and unwavering trust, cease the effort and drop the burden, and now entrust your trust to Him!  He is just as well able to keep that  as any other part of the complex lives which we want Him to take and keep for Himself.

And oh, do not pass on, content with the thought, “Yes, that is good idea; perhaps I should find that a great help!”  But, “Now, then, do it.”  It is no help to the sailor to see a flash of light across a dark sea, if he does not instantly steer accordingly.

I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, trusting only Thee;

Trusting Thee for full salvation, great and free.

I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus; never let me fall!

I am trusting Thee forever, and for all.  

Opened Treasures - Frances Ridley Havergal

N.J.Hiebert - 9505

March 3

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Gems from March 11- 13, 2025

[We] worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:3   By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God ...