Thursday, August 8, 2024

Gems from August 11- 20, 2024

Take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  Ephesians 6:13

I am in the war, and I can never get out of it, though I may get out of the evil day.  What then am I to do?  I am to take the whole armour of God.

And now I just ask you to inspect each part of this armour.  Is there one single piece of that which is declared to be the armour of God fitted to send you out into the field of battle with flesh and blood? 

Is that the way God armed Joshua and David?  They were to meet flesh and blood; and they were carnal weapons which He put into their hands.  Now there is not a touch of that here.  There are no slings and stones and jaw-bones of donkeys; and this is declared to be the whole armour of God.

If this is not the armour I have on me, I am not fighting for Christ.  Saints may take carnal weapons; but if I do--if, for instance, I go into a court of justice to assert my rights--do not let me talk of being in the light God.  That is where dispensational truth is so important.

I find here that the Spirit sends me into a field of battle, and I find that my security depends on truth, righteousness, faith, peace, and the sword of the Spirit.

Ephesians - J. G. Bellett

N.J. Hiebert - 9666         

August 11

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."   Psalm 37:23

We have the fullest assurance that our God can and does guide His children in all things.  He can signify His mind to us as to this or that particular act or movement.  If not, where are we?

How are we to get on?  How are we to regulate our movements?  Are we to be drifted hither and thither by the tide of circumstances?  Are we left to blind chance, or to the mere impulse of our own will?  

Thank God, it is not so.  He can, in His own perfect way, give us the certainty of His mind in any given case; and, without that certainty, we should never move. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ can intimate His mind to His servant as to where He would have him go, and what he would have him do, and no true servant will ever think of moving or acting without such intimation.  

If we are not sure, let us be quiet and wait.  Very often we harass and fret ourselves about movements that God would not have made us make at all.

A person once said to a friend, "I am quite at a loss to know which way to turn."  "Then don't turn at all,"  was the friend's wise reply.

Traveling Toward Sunrise

N.J. Hiebert - 9667

August 12


And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  John 1:14

And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness.  2 Corinthians 12:9

Do we not always fail when God confers a responsibility upon us?  Only grace can keep us.  How thankful we can be that grace always overrules when we have spoiled everything.  It gives us an "open door."

No, this is not to return to what we have ruined.  Rather, grace gives us something entirely new--something better than what we previously possessed.

When Sardis did not repent, the Lord gave an open door--not a door back to the beginning of Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6), but a door to Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13).  The meaning of this open door is not liberty in preaching the gospel; it has nothing to do with this. 

Even when it concerns the gospel an open door does not mean that we will not have any opposition.  On the contrary the apostle Paul writes: "For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries." 
(1 Corinthians 16:9).

An open door means that the Lord is clearly showing us which way He wants us to go.  In a world where Satan has his way there will always be tremendous opposition and problems to overcome.

The Book of Ruth - H. L. Heijkoop

N.J. Hiebert - 9668 

August 13

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7 

And stayed by joy divine, as hireling fills his day,
Through scenes of strife, and desert life, I tread in peace my way.

It is a serious thing, whatever be the goodness of God, to find peace with a God of holiness.  Christ has made peace; but He would have us feel what it is to have need of it, in order that we may know it.

You look to getting the victory in order to get peace; we must get peace to get the victory--peace already made by Christ's work--then you will get strength.  We do not find it till we see we have none.  

The gospel of peace is ours in Christ; but I must have the spirit of peace in my heart.  Peace has been made for us that we may dwell in peace.  

It is Christ's work which gives peace to the conscience; but it is subdued will, having none of our own, which in great and in little things makes us peaceful in heart in going through a world of . . . trial. 

In all things . . . instead of disquieting ourselves . . . we ought to present our request to God with prayer, with supplication . . . so that, even while making our petition to Him, we can already give thanks, because we are sure of the answer of His grace, be it what it may. . . .  It does not say, you will have what you ask; but God's peace will keep your hearts. . . .  Oh, what grace! that even our anxieties are a means of our being filled with this marvellous peace.

Pilgrim Portions for the Day of Rest. - J.N.D,

N.J. Hiebert - 9669

August 14


They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.    Song of Solomon 1:6

Busy running to and fro, 
Busy toiling here and there; 
Not an idle hour to show,
Not a minute left to spare.

To every call a ready  ear,
For every task a hand adept;
But one thing's left undone, I fear-- 
"My own vineyard I have not kept."

I would not slow the busy pace,
I would not stay the helpful hands;
Nor would I, with averted face,
Pass by when need my help demands.

But teach me, Lord (for was Thou not
The busiest, yet the holiest Man?)
How first to tend my private plot,
Then haste to do what else I can.

Bells and Pomegranates - James M. S. Tait

N.J. Hiebert - 9670 

August 15

“These things therefore the soldiers did.”  John 19:24

They mocked Him and scourged Him.  They stripped Him and spat on Him.  They robed Him in purple and crowned Him with thorns.  They smote Him on His thorn-crowned head, and they buffeted Him, and, without finding any fault in Him, they crucified Him.  These things the soldiers did, and like a lamb led to the slaughter, the Saviour endured it all silently, and uttered not one word of complaint.    Jim Flanigan

Then that closing scene of anguish; all God’s waves and billows roll

Over Him, there left to languish on the cross, to save my soul.

Matchless love! how vast, how free, Jesus gave Himself for me.   J. J Hopkins

N.J.Hiebert - 9671

August 16

“He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.”  Hebrews 7:25

It is not the measure of one’s faith but the object on which it rests that gives security.  A man had to cross a certain river upon the ice.  He believed it to be dangerously thin, so he crossed on hands and knees, so as to distribute the load.

As he reached the other bank, he saw a man drive a team of horses drawing a heavy load on the ice.  It was strong enough to carry an army.  The man’s security depended on the thickness of the ice, not on his measure of faith.  So the security of the believer depends on the finished work of Christ which can never break down and not upon the measure of his own faith.  

Faith is not what we see or feel;

It is a simple trust

In what the God of love has said

Of Jesus as the Just.  Anon


August 17

“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.”  

Romans 12:15

Tears of understanding,

Poured out to hearts in care,

Are better than a thousand words,

Though spoken, oh so fair!


The story is told of the much loved Queen Victoria just after the loss of her husband.  She heard of a fatal accident to a workman  in Windsor.  With deep compassion she had her coachman drive her to a poor street  of the city and stop at the door of the bereft woman.  

After the royal carriage had left some of the curious neighbours asked, “What did she say?”  “She just said nothing,” answered the widow. “She  just sat in that chair and we wept together.”

(E. MacLelland)

N.J.Hiebert # 9673 

August 18

He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and He made the waters to stand as a heap.  And He led them on safely, so that they feared not.   Psalm 78:13,53  

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed,
but not in despair.  2 Corinthians 4:8

Threatening breakers of destruction,
Doubt's insidious undertow,
Shall not sink us, shall not drag us
Out to ocean depths of woe;
For His promise shall sustain us,
Praise the Lord, whose Word is true!
We shall not go down, or under,
For He saith, "Thou passest THROUGH."

Annie Johnson Flint

N.J Hiebert - 9674

August 19


For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption.   
Acts 13:36.

"David served his own generation by the will of God."  Could you have a nobler motto than that to write on the flyleaf of your Bible?  "I will serve my own generation by the will of God."

This is life at its highest and best. 

"The great secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes."

Lord Beaconsfield

"Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? 
Yes; work never begun."  
Christina Rossetti
Mountain Trailways for Youth

N.J. Hiebert - 9675

August 20

Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6 

In one of London's galleries there stands an unfinished piece of statuary - crude and imperfect - with barely the outline of a human form emerging.

Some one remarked, "The rough block of white marble is here to indicate the crudeness from which these perfect forms have been chiseled." 

There was the touch of genius in the outline.  Why could not the ideal there have been released?  Upon closer observation one notices these words inscribed upon the pedestal, "The artist died at this stage of the work."

Many a youth has started out as this artist did but died to God and high ideals and went into sin with his life not finished as God had planned it should be.

To each man is given a marble to carve for the wall!
A stone that is needed to heighten the beauty of all:
And only his soul has the magic to give it grace, 
And only his hands have the cunning to put it in place.

Yes, the task is given to each man, no other can do:
So the errand is waiting; it has waited ages for you,
And now you appear; the hushed ones are turning their gaze
To see what you do with your chance in the chamber of days.   

Mountain Trailways for Youth

N.J. Hiebert - 9676

August 21


The four and twenty elders fall down before Him that sat on the throne, and worship Him that liveth forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.   Revelation 4:10-11 


Corona is a short - term blip along the line of time,
Selective shut-down slows it, but can't stop it on a dime.
But spread is sped by airplane trips by thousands every day,
Best to be alerted, cautious, wash your hands, and pray.  

Corona is a worldly crown, but this one spells corruption
For cases in the older group, a major life disruption.
Attacking lungs and breathing tubes to varying degrees,
Breathing may get difficult, the ventilator please.

There's a better crown for Christians, one that cannot fade away,
That is the crown of glory, that our Saviour gives one day.
When we get to heaven; he'll say as He bestows,
Well done thou faithful servant, it was earned while down below.

Forever with our Saviour is the promise in His Word,
And all diseases will have gone and justice is His sword.
We'll be among the number when He greets the Holy City,
Then all the world will bow to Him - His love and grace and pity.

But what about those future crowns, handed out on high,
We all know why we have them, because the Saviour died.
Will we get to keep them, like Olympic athletes do?
We'll cast them at His feet someday; Lord we all love you.

Lorne C. Perry      

N.J.  Hiebert - 9677

August 22


But when he (Peter) saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.  Matthew 14:30

Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen [helped] with a little help.   Daniel 11:34

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1 

Then shall we not "be holpen with a little help", which is too often all we really expect from our omnipotent Helper, just because we do not feel that we have "no might." (2 Chronicles 20:12).

Peter was a good swimmer (John 21:7), but he did not say, "Lord help me to swim!"  He said, "Lord, save me!"   (Matthew 14:30)  And so the Master's help was instant and complete.

Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities,that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  2 Corinthians 12:9  

The Lord hath done great things for thee!
All through the fleeted days 
Jehovah hath dealt wondrously; 
Lift up thy heart and praise!
For greater things thine eyes shall see,
Child of His loving choice!
The Lord will do great things for thee;
Fear not, be glad, rejoice!

Royal Bounty - F. R. Havergal

N.J. Hiebert - 9678

August 23

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Gems from October 11- 20, 2024

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world...